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You are viewing Cheat Codes for The Simpsons : Season 5 System : DVD Video Date Added : 2006-05-09 13:14:19 Views : 19497 Menu animations Insert Disc 1. Highlight the "A Word From Matt Groening" option at the main menu. Press [Up] to highlight the record player. Press [Enter] and some music will play. Press [Right] from the record player to highlight a lever. Press [Enter] and an alarm will go off. Insert Disc 2. Highlight the "Marge On The Lam" option at the main menu. Press [Up] to highlight the television. Press [Enter] to see the Ichty & Scratchy introduction. Press [Right] from the television to highlight Bart's casino sign. Press [Enter] to light up the sign. Insert Disc 3. Highlight the "Bart Gets Famous" option at the main menu. Press [Up] to highlight the Malibu Stacy doll. Press [Enter] to hear one of her sayings. Insert Disc 4. Highlight the "Burns' Heir" option at the main menu. Press [Up] to highlight the rock on Miss Krabapple's desk. Press [Enter] to change it. From the rock, press [Right] to highlight a plant that is shaped like Marge. Press [Enter] to make it grow. Hidden commentary Insert Disc 4. Enter the "Special Features" screen. Select the "Art And Animation" option. Then, highlight the "Animatic Play" icon. Press [Left] to highlight the "100th Episode". Press [Enter] to hear additional commentary for that episode. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more The Simpsons : Season 5 cheat codes.
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